Title: | Constrained Regression for Survey Data |
Description: | Domain mean estimation with monotonicity or block monotone constraints. See Xu X, Meyer MC and Opsomer JD (2021)<doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2021.02.004> for more details. |
Authors: | Xiyue Liao [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Xiyue Liao <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.10 |
Built: | 2025-02-20 22:24:09 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/csurvey |
A symbolic routine to define that a vector of domain means follows a monotonic ordering in a predictor in a formula argument to csvy. This is the unsmoothed version.
block.Ord(x, order = NULL, numknots = 0, knots = 0, space = "E")
block.Ord(x, order = NULL, numknots = 0, knots = 0, space = "E")
x |
A numeric predictor which has the same length as the response vector. |
order |
A |
numknots |
The number of knots used to smoothly constrain a predictor. The value should be |
knots |
The knots used to smoothly constrain a predictor. The value should be |
space |
A character specifying the method to create knots. It will not be used for a shape-restricted predictor without smoothing. The default value is "E". |
The vector x with five attributes, i.e., name: the name of x; shape: 9("block ordering"); numknots: the numknots argument in "block.Ord"; knots: the knots argument in "block.Ord"; space: the space argument in "block.Ord".
Xiyue Liao
The csvy function performs design-based domain mean estimation with monotonicity and block-monotone shape constraints.
For example, in a one dimensional situation, we assume that are non-decreasing over
domains. If this monotonicity is not used in estimation,
the population domain means can be estimated by the Horvitz-Thompson estimator or the Hajek estimator. To use the monotonicity information, this csvy function starts from the
Hajek estimates
and the isotonic estimator
minimizes the weighted sum of squared deviations from the sample domain means over the set of ordered vectors; that is,
is the minimizer of
subject to
, where
is the diagonal matrix with elements
, and
is a
constraint matrix imposing the monotonicity constraint.
Domains can also be formed from multiple covariates. In that case, a grid will be used to represent the domains. For example, if there are two predictors and
, and
has values on
has values on
, then the domains formed by
will be a
To get approximate confidence intervals or surfaces for the domain means, we apply the method in Meyer, M. C. (2018).
is the estimated probability that the projection of
lands on
, and the
values are obtained by simulating many normal random vectors with estimated domain means and covariance matrix
, where
is a
matrix, and recording the resulting sets
The user needs to provide a survey design, which is specified by the svydesign function in the survey package, and also a data frame containing the response, predictor(s), domain variable, sampling weights, etc. So far, only stratified sampling design with simple random sampling without replacement (STSI) is considered in the examples in this package.
Note that when there is any empty domain, the user must specify the total number of domains in the argument.
csvy(formula, design, subset=NULL, nD=NULL, family=stats::gaussian(), amat=NULL, level=0.95, n.mix=100L, test=TRUE,...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' summary(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' vcov(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' coef(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' confint(object, parm=NULL, level = 0.95, type = c("link", "response"),...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' predict(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("link", "response"), se.fit = TRUE, level = 0.95, n.mix = 100,...)
csvy(formula, design, subset=NULL, nD=NULL, family=stats::gaussian(), amat=NULL, level=0.95, n.mix=100L, test=TRUE,...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' summary(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' vcov(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' coef(object,...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' confint(object, parm=NULL, level = 0.95, type = c("link", "response"),...) ## S3 method for class 'csvy' predict(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("link", "response"), se.fit = TRUE, level = 0.95, n.mix = 100,...)
formula |
A formula object which gives a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. It has the form "response ~ predictor". The response is a vector of length Assume that
design |
A survey design, which must be specified by the svydesign routine in the survey package. |
subset |
Expression to select a subpopulation. |
nD |
Total number of domains. |
family |
A parameter indicating the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. It can be a character string naming a family function or the result of a call to a family function. This is borrowed from the glm routine in the stats package. There are four families used in csvy: Gaussian, binomial, poisson, and Gamma. |
amat |
A |
level |
Confidence level of the approximate confidence surfaces. The default is 0.95. |
n.mix |
The number of simulations used to get the approximate confidence intervals or surfaces. If n.mix = 0, no simulation will be done and the face of the final projection will be used to compute the covariance matrix of the constrained estimate. The default is n.mix = 100L. |
test |
A logical scalar. If test == TRUE, then the p-value for the test |
... |
Other arguments |
The coef
function returns estimated systematic component of a csvy object.
The confint
function returns the confidence interval of a csvy object. If type = "response", then the interval is for the mean; if type = "link", then the interval is for the systematic component.
parm |
An argument in the generic confint function in the stats package. For now, this argument is not in use. |
The following arguments are used in the predict
object |
A csvy object. |
newdata |
A data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are used. |
type |
If the response is Gaussian, type = "response" and type = "link" give the predicted mean; if the response is binomial, poisson or Gamma, type = "response" gives the predicted mean, and type = "link" gives the predicted systematic component. |
se.fit |
Logical switch indicating if confidence intervals are required. |
For binomial and Poisson families use family=quasibinomial()
and family=quasipoisson()
to avoid a warning about non-integer
numbers of successes. The ‘quasi’ versions of the family objects give
the same point estimates and standard errors and do not give the
gives fitted values and sampling variability for specific new
values of covariates. When newdata
are the population mean it
gives the regression estimator of the mean, and when newdata
the population totals and total
is specified it gives the
regression estimator of the population total. Regression estimators of
mean and total can also be obtained with calibrate
The output is a list of values used for estimation, inference and visualization. Main output include:
survey.design |
The survey design used in the model. |
etahat |
Estimated shape-constrained domain systematic component. |
etahatu |
Estimated unconstrained domain systematic component. |
muhat |
Estimated shape-constrained domain means. |
muhatu |
Estimated unconstrained domain means. |
lwr |
Approximate lower confidence band or surface for the shape-constrained domain mean estimate. |
upp |
Approximate upper confidence band or surface for the shape-constrained domain mean estimate. |
lwru |
Approximate lower confidence band or surface for the unconstrained domain mean estimate. |
uppu |
Approximate upper confidence band or surface for the unconstrained domain mean estimate. |
amat |
The |
grid |
A |
nd |
A vector of sample sizes in all domains. |
Ds |
A vector of the number of domains in each dimension. |
acov |
Constrained mixture covariance estimate of domain means. |
cov.un |
Unconstrained covariance estimate of domain means. |
The cone information criterion proposed in Meyer(2013a). It uses the "null expected degrees of freedom" as a measure of the complexity of the model. See Meyer(2013a) for further details of cic. |
CIC.un |
The cone information criterion for the unconstrained estimator. |
zeros_ps |
Index of empty domain(s). |
nd |
Sample size of each domain. |
pval |
p-value of the one-sided test. |
family |
The family parameter defined in a csvy formula. |
df.residual |
The observed degree of freedom for the residuals of a csvy fit. |
df.null |
The degree of freedom for the null model of a csvy fit. |
domain |
Index of each domain in the data set contained in the survey.design object. |
null.deviance |
The deviance for the null model of a csvy fit. |
deviance |
The residual deviance of a csvy fit. |
Xiyue Liao
Xu, X. and Meyer, M. C. (2021) One-sided testing of population domain means in surveys.
Oliva, C., Meyer, M. C., and Opsomer, J.D. (2020) Estimation and inference of domain means subject to qualitative constraints. Survey Methodology
Meyer, M. C. (2018) A Framework for Estimation and Inference in Generalized Additive Models with Shape and Order Restrictions. Statistical Science 33(4) 595–614.
Wu, J., Opsomer, J.D., and Meyer, M. C. (2016) Survey estimation of domain means that respect natural orderings. Canadian Journal of Statistics 44(4) 431–444.
Meyer, M. C. (2013a) Semi-parametric additive constrained regression. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 25(3), 715.
Lumley, T. (2004) Analysis of complex survey samples. Journal of Statistical Software 9(1) 1–19.
, to create a 3D Plot for a csvy Object
, to specify an increasing shape-restriction in a csvy Formula
, to specify an decreasing shape-restriction in a csvy Formula
data(api) mcat = apipop$meals for(i in 1:10){mcat[trunc(apipop$meals/10)+1==i] = i} mcat[mcat==100]=10 D1 = 10 gcat = apipop$col.grad for(i in 1:10){gcat[trunc(apipop$col.grad/10)+1==i] = i} gcat[gcat >= 5] = 4 D2 = 4 nsp = c(200,200,200) ## sample sizes per stratum es = sample(apipop$snum[apipop$stype=='E'&!is.na(apipop$avg.ed)&!is.na(apipop$api00)],nsp[1]) ms = sample(apipop$snum[apipop$stype=='M'&!is.na(apipop$avg.ed)&!is.na(apipop$api00)],nsp[2]) hs = sample(apipop$snum[apipop$stype=='H'&!is.na(apipop$avg.ed)&!is.na(apipop$api00)],nsp[3]) sid = c(es,ms,hs) pw = 1:6194*0+4421/nsp[1] pw[apipop$stype=='M'] = 1018/nsp[2] pw[apipop$stype=='H'] = 755/nsp[3] fpc = 1:6194*0+4421 fpc[apipop$stype=='M'] = 1018 fpc[apipop$stype=='H'] = 755 strsamp = cbind(apipop,mcat,gcat,pw,fpc)[sid,] dstrat = svydesign(ids=~snum, strata=~stype, fpc=~fpc, data=strsamp, weight=~pw) rds = as.svrepdesign(dstrat, type="JKn") # Example 1: monotonic in one dimension ansc1 = csvy(api00~decr(mcat), design=rds, nD=D1) # checked estimated domain means # ansc1$muhat # Example 2: monotonic in three dimensions D1 = 5 D2 = 5 D3 = 6 Ds = c(D1, D2, D3) M = cumprod(Ds)[3] x1vec = 1:D1 x2vec = 1:D2 x3vec = 1:D3 grid = expand.grid(x1vec, x2vec, x3vec) N = M*100*4 Ns = rep(N/M, M) mu.f = function(x) { mus = x[1]^(0.25)+4*exp(0.5+2*x[2])/(1+exp(0.5+2*x[2]))+sqrt(1/4+x[3]) mus = as.numeric(mus$Var1) return (mus) } mus = mu.f(grid) H = 4 nh = c(180,360,360,540) n = sum(nh) Nh = rep(N/H, H) #generate population y = NULL z = NULL set.seed(1) for(i in 1:M){ Ni = Ns[i] mui = mus[i] ei = rnorm(Ni, 0, sd=1) yi = mui + ei y = c(y, yi) zi = i/M + rnorm(Ni, mean=0, sd=1) z = c(z, zi) } x1 = rep(grid[,1], times=Ns) x2 = rep(grid[,2], times=Ns) x3 = rep(grid[,3], times=Ns) domain = rep(1:M, times=Ns) cts = quantile(z, probs=seq(0,1,length=5)) strata = 1:N*0 strata[z >= cts[1] & z < cts[2]] = 1 strata[z >= cts[2] & z < cts[3]] = 2 strata[z >= cts[3] & z < cts[4]] = 3 strata[z >= cts[4] & z <= cts[5]] = 4 freq = rep(N/(length(cts)-1), n) w0 = Nh/nh w = 1:N*0 w[strata == 1] = w0[1] w[strata == 2] = w0[2] w[strata == 3] = w0[3] w[strata == 4] = w0[4] pop = data.frame(y = y, x1 = x1, x2 = x2, x3 = x3, domain = domain, strata = strata, w=w) ssid = stratsample(pop$strata, c("1"=nh[1], "2"=nh[2], "3"=nh[3], "4"=nh[4])) sample.stsi = pop[ssid, ,drop=FALSE] ds = svydesign(id=~1, strata =~strata, fpc=~freq, weights=~w, data=sample.stsi) #domain means are increasing w.r.t x1, x2 and block monotonic in x3 ord = c(1,1,2,2,3,3) ans = csvy(y~incr(x1)*incr(x2)*block.Ord(x3,order=ord), design=ds, nD=M, test=FALSE, n.mix=0) #3D plot of estimated domain means: x1 and x2 with confidence intervals plotpersp(ans, ci = "both") #3D plot of estimated domain means: x3 and x2 plotpersp(ans, x3, x2) #3D plot of estimated domain means: x3 and x2 for each domain of x1 plotpersp(ans, x3, x2, categ="x1") #3D plot of estimated domain means: x3 and x2 for each domain of x1 plotpersp(ans, x3, x2, categ="x1", NCOL = 3) # Example 3: unconstrained in one dimension #no constraint on x1 ans = csvy(y~x1*incr(x2)*incr(x3), design=ds, test=FALSE, n.mix=0) #3D plot of estimated domain means: x1 and x2 plotpersp(ans)
data(api) mcat = apipop$meals for(i in 1:10){mcat[trunc(apipop$meals/10)+1==i] = i} mcat[mcat==100]=10 D1 = 10 gcat = apipop$col.grad for(i in 1:10){gcat[trunc(apipop$col.grad/10)+1==i] = i} gcat[gcat >= 5] = 4 D2 = 4 nsp = c(200,200,200) ## sample sizes per stratum es = sample(apipop$snum[apipop$stype=='E'&!is.na(apipop$avg.ed)&!is.na(apipop$api00)],nsp[1]) ms = sample(apipop$snum[apipop$stype=='M'&!is.na(apipop$avg.ed)&!is.na(apipop$api00)],nsp[2]) hs = sample(apipop$snum[apipop$stype=='H'&!is.na(apipop$avg.ed)&!is.na(apipop$api00)],nsp[3]) sid = c(es,ms,hs) pw = 1:6194*0+4421/nsp[1] pw[apipop$stype=='M'] = 1018/nsp[2] pw[apipop$stype=='H'] = 755/nsp[3] fpc = 1:6194*0+4421 fpc[apipop$stype=='M'] = 1018 fpc[apipop$stype=='H'] = 755 strsamp = cbind(apipop,mcat,gcat,pw,fpc)[sid,] dstrat = svydesign(ids=~snum, strata=~stype, fpc=~fpc, data=strsamp, weight=~pw) rds = as.svrepdesign(dstrat, type="JKn") # Example 1: monotonic in one dimension ansc1 = csvy(api00~decr(mcat), design=rds, nD=D1) # checked estimated domain means # ansc1$muhat # Example 2: monotonic in three dimensions D1 = 5 D2 = 5 D3 = 6 Ds = c(D1, D2, D3) M = cumprod(Ds)[3] x1vec = 1:D1 x2vec = 1:D2 x3vec = 1:D3 grid = expand.grid(x1vec, x2vec, x3vec) N = M*100*4 Ns = rep(N/M, M) mu.f = function(x) { mus = x[1]^(0.25)+4*exp(0.5+2*x[2])/(1+exp(0.5+2*x[2]))+sqrt(1/4+x[3]) mus = as.numeric(mus$Var1) return (mus) } mus = mu.f(grid) H = 4 nh = c(180,360,360,540) n = sum(nh) Nh = rep(N/H, H) #generate population y = NULL z = NULL set.seed(1) for(i in 1:M){ Ni = Ns[i] mui = mus[i] ei = rnorm(Ni, 0, sd=1) yi = mui + ei y = c(y, yi) zi = i/M + rnorm(Ni, mean=0, sd=1) z = c(z, zi) } x1 = rep(grid[,1], times=Ns) x2 = rep(grid[,2], times=Ns) x3 = rep(grid[,3], times=Ns) domain = rep(1:M, times=Ns) cts = quantile(z, probs=seq(0,1,length=5)) strata = 1:N*0 strata[z >= cts[1] & z < cts[2]] = 1 strata[z >= cts[2] & z < cts[3]] = 2 strata[z >= cts[3] & z < cts[4]] = 3 strata[z >= cts[4] & z <= cts[5]] = 4 freq = rep(N/(length(cts)-1), n) w0 = Nh/nh w = 1:N*0 w[strata == 1] = w0[1] w[strata == 2] = w0[2] w[strata == 3] = w0[3] w[strata == 4] = w0[4] pop = data.frame(y = y, x1 = x1, x2 = x2, x3 = x3, domain = domain, strata = strata, w=w) ssid = stratsample(pop$strata, c("1"=nh[1], "2"=nh[2], "3"=nh[3], "4"=nh[4])) sample.stsi = pop[ssid, ,drop=FALSE] ds = svydesign(id=~1, strata =~strata, fpc=~freq, weights=~w, data=sample.stsi) #domain means are increasing w.r.t x1, x2 and block monotonic in x3 ord = c(1,1,2,2,3,3) ans = csvy(y~incr(x1)*incr(x2)*block.Ord(x3,order=ord), design=ds, nD=M, test=FALSE, n.mix=0) #3D plot of estimated domain means: x1 and x2 with confidence intervals plotpersp(ans, ci = "both") #3D plot of estimated domain means: x3 and x2 plotpersp(ans, x3, x2) #3D plot of estimated domain means: x3 and x2 for each domain of x1 plotpersp(ans, x3, x2, categ="x1") #3D plot of estimated domain means: x3 and x2 for each domain of x1 plotpersp(ans, x3, x2, categ="x1", NCOL = 3) # Example 3: unconstrained in one dimension #no constraint on x1 ans = csvy(y~x1*incr(x2)*incr(x3), design=ds, test=FALSE, n.mix=0) #3D plot of estimated domain means: x1 and x2 plotpersp(ans)
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) combines in-person interviews and physical examinations to produce a comprehensive data set from a probability sample of residents of the U.S.
This data set is a subset of the NHANES data with 1,680 subjects.
a identification vector specifying cluster ids from largest level to smallest level
a binomial vector showing cholestoral level. 1: high; 0: low
a vector of categorized waist and height ratio
a binary vector of genders
a vector of categorized age
sampling weight within each stratum
a numeric vector
## Not run: data(nhdat) summary(nhdat) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(nhdat) summary(nhdat) ## End(Not run)
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) combines in-person interviews and physical examinations to produce a comprehensive data set from a probability sample of residents of the U.S.
This data set is a subset of the NHANES data with 1,933 subjects.
A data frame with 1933 observations on the following 8 variables.
a identification vector specifying cluster ids from largest level to smallest level
a continuous vector of cholesterol level
a vector of categorized waist and height ratio
an ordinal vector of categorized income level
a binary vector of genders
a vector of categorized age
sampling weight within each stratum
a numeric vector
The variable chol in this data set is continuous, which the varible chol in the nhdat data set is binomial.
## Not run: data(nhdat2) summary(nhdat2) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(nhdat2) summary(nhdat2) ## End(Not run)