coneproj - Primal or Dual Cone Projections with Routines for Constrained Regression
Routines doing cone projection and quadratic programming, as well as doing estimation and inference for constrained parametric regression and shape-restricted regression problems. See Mary C. Meyer (2013)<doi:10.1080/03610918.2012.659820> for more details.
Last updated 21 days ago
4.64 score 2 stars 21 dependents 21 scripts 2.8k downloadsShapeChange - Change-Point Estimation using Shape-Restricted Splines
In a scatterplot where the response variable is Gaussian, Poisson or binomial, we consider the case in which the mean function is smooth with a change-point, which is a mode, an inflection point or a jump point. The main routine estimates the mean curve and the change-point as well using shape-restricted B-splines. An optional subroutine delivering a bootstrap confidence interval for the change-point is incorporated in the main routine.
Last updated 2 years ago
1.00 score 6 scripts 227 downloads